Korean War Veterans Association
Korean War & Korea Defense Veterans: A Continuity of Service in the Defense of Freedom
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Korean War Veterans Digital Memorial

One of the greatest friends of the KWVA is Dr Jongwoo Han. He is a young professor at Syracuse University in New York. Dr. Han has been very innovative and working extremely hard promoting the legacy of our Korean War Veterans since he first approached the KWVA in 2011 at the annual convention in Boston.

His first "creation" was the Korean War Veterans Digital Memorial (KWVDM), which, in his words, "emerges as a first-of-its-kind project seeking to permanently preserve, unedited, the first-hand memories, experiences, and artifacts of our Korean War Veterans in an effort to pass them down to future generations."

Visit Memorial

How the memorial was created (PDF)

Dr. Han has also created a "companion project" for building "Teaching Tools" to be used by schoolteachers across the nation and world, to promote the legacy of our Korean War Veterans.

Visit Teaching Tools