Korean War Veterans Association
Korean War & Korea Defense Veterans: A Continuity of Service in the Defense of Freedom
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Standard Procedure Manual

Prepared by the KWVA Bylaws Committee

Standard Procedure Manual - October 27, 2020

SPM-005, Rev. 9: SPM Additions/Changes approved at the 10/27/20 Board of Directors Meeting, primarily changes reflect the elimination of the Executive Director Position from the Bylaws and SPM.

The form 4.7-3 and form 4.8-3 links below are for fill-in versions of the Chapter and Department Election Report Forms. Open the file, fill it in right on your computer, then either save it on your computer to be emailed to [Please enable JavaScript.], or print it and mail it. (Address in footer or contact us page.)

Standard Procedure Manual - July 25, 2019

SPM-005, Rev. 8c: SPM Additions/Changes approved at the 7/25/19 Board of Directors Meeting, primarily changes are in the Membership Application, reflecting the increase of Associate Member dues to $25.00 per year.

Standard Procedure Manual - October 18, 2018

SPM-005, Rev. 8b: SPM Additions/Changes approved at the 10/18/18 Board of Directors Meeting, primarily changes associated with reducing the number of Board members from 12 to 9.

Standard Procedure Manual - October 10, 2016

SPM-005, Rev. 8a: SPM Additions/Changes approved at the 10/10/16 Board of Directors Meeting, primarily adding the Job Description for The Graybeards Editor.

Standard Procedure Manual - July 26, 2016

SPM-005, Rev. 8: SPM Additions/Changes approved at the 7/26/16 Board of Directors Meeting, primarily the change in Election procedures to no longer require a CPA Firm.

Standard Procedure Manual - July 24, 2015

SPM-005, Rev. 7: SPM Additions/Changes approved at 7/24/15 Membership Meeting, primarily the addition of the procedure for applying to be added to the KWVA's Group Exemption Letter.

Standard Procedure Manual - March 27, 2015

SPM-005, Rev. 6: SPM Additions/Changes approved at 3/27/15 Board Meeting, mostly "cosmetic changes and tweaks" to KWVA National Election document requirements, and to Chapter and Department Election Report Forms.

Standard Procedure Manual - October 18, 2014

SPM-005, Rev. 5: SPM Additions/Changes approved at 10/16/14 Board Meeting to define new Executive Director's Duties: 2.4.12 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, allowed by Bylaws Changes ratified by the Membership at the 10/18/14 Membership Meeting.

Changes to Section 2 "Association Officers" and 3.6.8 "Elected Officers Installation" approved by the Board in July, 2013 and March, 2014, were required by Bylaw revisions in "Article II, Section 7. Vacancies" that were Ratified by the Membership at the 10/18/14 Membership Meeting.

Standard Procedure Manual - July 26, 2013

SPM-005, Rev. 4a: The additions of sections 3.4.7 and 3.5.6 were approved by the Board at the meeting in Dallas, TX in March, 2014.

SPM-005, Rev. 4: Revisions/changes were approved by the Board at meetings in St. Louis in October, 2012 and Syracuse, NY in March, 2013; effective when required Bylaws changes were ratified on July 26, 2013 at the Membership Meeting in Arlington, VA.

Standard Procedure Manual - October 29, 2011

SPM-005, Rev. 3b: Section 3.9.6 C. was revised by the Board at the Arlington VA meeting on July 25, 2012.

SPM-005, Rev. 3a: Some minor additions/corrections were approved by the Board and Bylaws Committee in April 2012 and updated/posted July 1, 2012.

SPM-005, Rev. 003: Revisions/changes were approved by the board at the October 2011 Board meeting.

Standard Procedure Manual - October 19, 2010

(Approved by Board Vote 10/19/2010)

SPM-005, Rev. 002 incorporates a slight revision of Section 3 Procedures, specifically: Call for a Meeting Meetings, Board of Directors

Standard Procedure Manual - June 2010

(Approved by Board Vote 6/1/2010)

SPM-005, Rev. 001 is the complete revision and updating of previous SPMs by the Bylaws Committee and were approved for release to the membership by the Board of Directors on a 6/1/2010 "Business Without a Meeting".

Standard Procedure Manual - December 2008

(Approved by Board Vote 10/24/2008)

SPM-004, Rev. 006 is the revision of SPM-004, Rev. 005 with the following changes and additions which were approved for the membership to receive with all the revisions added and approved by the Board of Directors on 10/24/2008 as follows:

  • Page 1 (Cover Page) changed to reflect Revision Change. Note, Board of Directors Approval Date remains the same as Revision R005 as the additions were approved 10/24/08 at the Norfolk Board of Directors meeting.
  • Pages 53-63 changed to add Department and Chapter Petition to the Association for Website Hosting and Template provided to Departments and Chapters by the Association.

Standard Procedure Manual - October 2008

(Approved by Board Vote 10/24/2008)

SPM-004, Rev. 005 is the revision of SPM-004, Rev. 004 with the following changes and additions which were approved for the membership to receive with all the revisions added and approved by the Board of Directors on 10/24/2008 as follows:

  • Page 1 (Cover Page) changed to reflect Revision Change and Board of Directors Approval Date.
  • Page 25 changed to correct SPM to match Bylaws regarding definition of "Good Standing".
  • Pages 35 & 36 changes to Officers & Director's Travel Mileage, Per Diem and Expense Reimbursement Form.

Standard Procedure Manual - November 2007

(Approved by Board Vote 10/23/2007)

SPM-004, Rev. 004 is the revision of SPM-003, Rev. 003 with the following changes and additions which were approved for the membership to receive with all the revisions added and approved by the Board of Directors on 10/23/2007 & 10/25/2007 as follows:

  • Page 1 (Cover Page) changed to reflect Revision Change and Board of Directors Approval Date.
  • Page 2 (Index Page) changed to reflect changes on page 6.
  • Page 3 (Index Page) changed to reflect the addition of Addendum S-1.
  • Page 6 of which changes were made to:
    • 1. Purpose, A. with additional words added and reference made to the KWVA Bylaws which authorized it issuance. Items B. & C. were rearranged to read better.
    • 2. Procedure Change Method, A. was rewritten to show that only Board of Directors and KWVA Staff Members can recommend changes; how and to whom the changes must be presented; and the final approval method.
    • 3. Configuration Control was added to keep track of all changes approved and put into effect.
    • 4. Intent and Interpretation now includes the Rationale items, also in a more condensed form.
  • Page 22, Added Provision g, Notification of Discipline in the Ethics & Grievance Committee section to inform any member who is admonished, reprimanded, suspended or placed on probation the written conditions established by the Board of Directors.
  • Addendum F-1 (p33), had two statements added:
    • 5. Added to clarify that no checks were to be written for "Cash".
    • 6. Added to clarify how the Investment Account could be drawn from.
  • Addendum M-1 (p42, 43 & 44), Official Membership Application Form: updated to include the new dues amount for Associate Members and Bylaws wording change on Membership Eligibility.
  • Addendum S-1 (p60), Configuration Control of the SPM was added to show Format and Indexing and a way to store changes made and revision numbering.

Standard Procedure Manual - July 2007

(Approved by Board Vote 7/25/2007)

SPM-003, Rev. 003 is the revision of SPM-002, Rev. 002 with the following changes and additions which were approved for the membership to receive with all the revisions added and approved by the Board of Directors on 7/25/2007 as follows:

  • Page 23, Addendum A-1, Membership Administrative Assistant Operation Credit Card Payments: revised to Remove Credit Card restrictions for partial payments on Life Memberships.

  • Page 42, Addendum M-1, Membership Application Form: revised to Remove Credit Card restrictions for partial payments on Life Memberships.

Standard Procedure Manual - May 2007

(Approved by Board Vote 5/6/2007 by Business Without a Meeting; Ratified at 7/25/2007 Board Meeting).

SPM-002, Rev 002 is the revision of the SPM-001, Rev. 001 with the following changes and additions which were approved for the membership to receive with all the revisions added and approved by the Board of Directors on 5/6/2007 as follows:

  • Page 6, 2. A. Added information that changes will be published in the Graybeards and on Website.
  • Page 6, 4, A. Deleted words so sentence reads clearer.
  • Page 10, B, 1, a, Added words in Secretary Responsibilities to make Call for Elections to be placed in Sept/Oct Issue of The Graybeards to give more time for those who may run for office.
  • Page 15, C, 1, a, 1st Para, Added Election Call in Sept/Oct The Graybeards for the Nomination/Election Committee to match Secretary information.
  • Page 17, 3, a, 6th Para, Added words for Bylaws Committee to maintain the SPM,
  • Page 17, 3, b, 2nd Para. Reworded to accept member requests and deleted words not necessary.
  • Page 17, 3A, a. & b. Deleted Task Force Title for maintaining SPM, and rewrote for Bylaws Committee to accomplish this duty.
  • Page 17, 3, b, 8th Para. was added.
  • Page 18, 4, a, 3rd Para, Added one word (to) and deleted (that) to make sentence read better.
  • Page 18, 4, a, 5th Para, Deleted words “and prospective members”.
  • Page 18, 4, b, 4th Para, Added the new Addendum Numbers.
  • Page 18, 4, b, 5th Para, Added additional Addendum Numbers and added (maintain) in place of (develop).
  • Page 21, 1, b, 1st Para. Added sentence to remind both parties in E & G Investigations to maintain confidentiality.
  • Page 25, Addendum D-1, Added E. to Just Cause and an F. in front of the next paragraph.
  • Page 25, Added further Good Standing Definitions to 1. & 2.
  • Page 26, D-1, 1st Para, Added some privileges for being in Good Standing.
  • Page 34, F-3, Removed Paragraphs. 2, 5 & 6 that did not pertain to Travel and Hotel reimbursements.
  • Page 35, F-4 Addendum removed all paragraphs that did not pertain to Travel and Hotel reimbursements.
  • Page 44, Addendum N-1 changed to Addendum N-2 and added new Addendum N-2A Form Letter.
  • Page 45 and Page 46, Addendum N-2 and N-2 (Cont’d) changed to Addendum N-4 and N-4 (Cont’d) with new Petition Forms.
  • Page 47, Addendum N-3 changed to N-5 with New Petition Form.
  • Page 48, Addendum N-4 changed to N-3.
  • Page 49, Addendum N-5 changed to N-1. Added Addendums N-6, N-7, N-8, N-9 and N-10 information.

Standard Procedure Manual - October 2006

(Adopted by Board Vote on 10/10/2006)

SPM-001, Rev 001 is the complete revision of SPM-000 by a Task Force and approved on 10/10/2006 by the Board of Directors.

Standard Procedure Manual - July 2004

(SPM-000 Is the Original SPM approved on July 26, 2004 by the Executive Council)