Korean War Veterans Association
Korean War & Korea Defense Veterans: A Continuity of Service in the Defense of Freedom
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Questions should be directed to the Bylaws Committee Chairman listed here.

Amendments through April 5, 2022

The Board of Directors at their April 5, 2022, Board Meeting in Ft Benning, GA, approved proposed amendments to the Bylaws that were submitted for discussion by the Bylaws Committee. They will be submitted to the Membership for ratification at the next annual Membership Meeting.

Amendments through October 27, 2020

The Board of Directors at their October 27, 2020, Board Meeting in Naples, FL, approved proposed amendments to the Bylaws that were submitted for discussion by the Bylaws Committee. They will be submitted to the Membership for ratification at the next annual Membership Meeting.

Amendments through July 26, 2019

The Regular Membership at the Annual Membership Meeting in Arlington, VA on July 26, 2019, by an overwhelming majority vote of more than the required quorum, ratified the Proposed Amended Bylaws, previously approved by the Board of Directors and then presented to the Membership.

Amendments through October 18, 2018

The Regular Membership at the Annual Membership Meeting in Orlando, FL, on October 18, 2018, by an overwhelming majority vote of more than the required quorum, ratified the Proposed Amended Bylaws, previously approved by the Board of Directors and then presented to the Membership.

Amendments through October 6, 2017

The Regular Membership at the Annual Membership Meeting in Norfolk, VA, on October 6, 2017, by an overwhelming majority vote of more than the required quorum, ratified the Proposed Amended Bylaws, previously approved by the Board of Directors and then published in The Graybeards.

Amendments through July 24, 2015

The Regular Membership at the Annual Membership Meeting in Arlington, VA, on July 24, 2015, by an overwhelming majority vote of more than the required quorum, ratified the Proposed Amended Bylaws, previously approved by the Board of Directors and then published in the May/Jun 2015 issue of The Graybeards.

Amendments through October 18, 2014

The Regular Membership at the Annual Membership Meeting in Rochester, MN, on October 18, 2014, by an overwhelming majority vote of more than the required quorum, ratified the Proposed Amended Bylaws, previously approved by the Board of Directors and then published in part in the Sep/Oct 2013 and May/Jun 2014 issues of The Graybeards.

Amendments through July 26, 2013

The Regular Membership at the Annual Membership Meeting in Alexander, VA on July 26, 2013, by an overwhelming majority vote of more than the required quorum, ratified the Proposed Amended Bylaws, previously approved by the Board of Directors and then published in part in the Nov/Dec 2013 and May/Jun 2013 issues of The Graybeards.

Amendments through October 30, 2011

The Regular Membership at the Annual Membership Meeting in Quincy, MA on October 30, 2011, by an overwhelming majority vote of more than the required quorum, ratified the Proposed Amended Bylaws, previously approved by the Board of Directors and then published in the July/August 2011 issue of The Graybeards.

(Note: Some minor omissions/corrections to the original November 2011 posting were found and corrected by the Bylaws Committee in April 2012 and updated/posted July 1, 2012)

Amendments through July 25, 2010

The Regular Membership at the Annual Membership Meeting in Alexander, VA on July 25, 2010, by an overwhelming majority vote of more than the required quorum, ratified the Proposed Amended Bylaws, previously approved by the Board of Directors and then published in the March/April 2010 issue of The Graybeards.

Amendments through October 26, 2009

The Regular Membership at the Annual Membership Meeting in Irving, TX on October 26, 2009, by an overwhelming majority vote of more than the required quorum, ratified the Proposed Amended Bylaws, previously approved by the Board of Directors and then published in the July/August 2009 issue of The Graybeards.

Amendments through October 25, 2007

The Regular Membership at the Annual Membership Meeting in Reno, NV on October 25, 2007, by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of more than the required quorum, ratified the Proposed Amended Bylaws, previously approved by the Board of Directors and then published in the July/August 2007 issue of The Graybeards.

Amendments through October 5, 2005

The Membership by overwhelming majority vote at the Annual Meeting in Bossier City, LA, on October 5, 2005, Ratified the Proposed Bylaws, as previously approved by the Executive Council and submitted for membership ratification.

The Bylaws Committee Chairman (as of 10/5/05), Bill Mac Swain, has provided the following copies of the Bylaws, Ratified by Membership vote on October 5, 2005. They may be viewed by clicking one of the following links:

Here is a little "history" of changes effective 10/5/2005:

Amendments through July 26, 2000

The Membership by overwhelming majority vote at the Annual Meeting in Knoxville, TN, on September 24, 2004, voted that the Bylaws in effect in July 2000 would be the Bylaws in effect until they were properly amended.

The Bylaws Committee Chairman (as of 9/24/04), Bill Mac Swain, has provided the following copies of the July 2000 Bylaws, which may be viewed by clicking one of the following links:

Amendments through July 27, 1997

Amendments through July 27, 1994

Amendments through July 26, 1990

NOTE: This is the FIRST published KWVA Bylaws… it is Version 001"